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The LandofOpportunity interactive platform was selected as a 2014 Webby Award Honoree for Best Community Website. Honorees are selected for recognition based on excellence in content, structure and navigation, visual design, functionality, interactivity and overall experience.

August 14, 2015
Luisa Dantas profiled as part of NolaVie's "Artists In Their Own Words" series.

July 28, 2015
View Luisa Dantas' July 2015 appearance on talkshow "BK Live" in Brooklyn, hosted by Brooklyn Independent Media.

September 16, 2014
A great write-up of Katrina/Sandy via Black Press USA.

September 16, 2014
Luisa Dantas' op-ed for Next City, marking the 9th anniversary of Katrina.

September 9, 2014
Katrina/Sandy Interactive Timeline Invites You to Listen To Common Stories Of Survival

September 3, 2014
Coverage of Katrina/Sandy by New Jersey's 105.7 The Hawk

August 29, 2014
"Katrina and Sandy cost over 2,000 lives. Will we do better next time?"

August 29, 2014
A soundbite of Luisa Dantas' interview with Eve Troeh of WWNO, which was rebroadcast on NPR's All Things Considered.

August 27, 2014
American University's Center for Media & Social Impact's coverage of Katrina/Sandy.

August 27, 2014
New Orleans' the Times Picayune covers the launch of the Katrina/Sandy timeline in August 2014.

August 25, 2014
Tulane University's coverage of the Katrina/Sandy timeline.

August 22, 2014
Katrina/Sandy previewed by Brokelyn.

"Upworthy features "How Does One Begin?" a LandofOpportunity interactive short.

May 14, 2014
"More than just a video distribution platform, Land of Opportunity aims to cultivate a fertile space where stories inspire tangible change. The combination of creative filmmaking and community discourse presents an innovative solution for how social awareness can influence policy, bringing attentive eyes to the problems that are starving for attention."

December 14, 2013
Luisa Dantas authored a piece for GOOD, in which she discusses the making of and vision behind the Land of Opportunity project.

November 25, 2013
Great profile of Luisa Dantas/LandofOpportunity in New Orleans' life and culture magazine.

November 14, 2013
LandofOpp director/producer Luisa Dantas authored a piece for the Shelterforce blog, titled "Explore Post-Crisis Redevelopment Beyond the Linear Narrative."

November 19, 2013
Brokelyn, a lifestyle magazine based in Brooklyn, spotlighted our interactive video "Out With the Old, In With the New," a layered look at the gentrification of Brooklyn's Fulton Mall.

October 30, 2013
Untapped Cities featured an op-ed by Luisa Dantas on the project and "narratives of recovery."

September 20, 2013
Tulane University did a write-up of the feature film, the soon-to-be-released interactive site, and Luisa Dantas' approach to teaching.

August 29, 2013
In commemoration of the 8th anniversary of Katrina, we teamed up with Sandy Storyline to co-author a piece for Creative Time Reports. The article highlights stories of residents struggling to rebuild their homes after Katrina and Sandy.

April 15, 2013
What does the “user experience” look like for an interactive documentary? A case study on LandofOpportunity.

September 2, 2010
Watch this episode of GRITtv where guest host Ed Ott sits down with Luisa Dantas. The two discuss what Luisa learned while making Land of Opportunity. Laura Flanders hosts GRITtv and talks to creative thinkers and change-makers from the world of politics, arts and the new economy.

September 2010
Louisiana’s entertainment magazine featured Luisa Dantas in the 2010 Sept/Oct issue. Check out Danielle Nelson’s interview (go to page 26).

Gary Michael Smith wrote up Land of Opportunity’s first ever screening in New Orleans with a great article.
Foreign Press:

August 29, 2010
Alessandra Corrêa wrote a great piece on Land of Opportunity for BBC Brasil.

May 19, 2010
Read Sérgio Martins’ article about how New Orleans’ music and cinema are fundamental to the city’s post-Katrina redevelopment. Land of Opportunity and Luisa Dantas are highlighted.
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